Being an independent financial planning firm, Globe charges fixed fees for the services we provide.

Our fees are individual to each client based on the work and complexity involved. Any fees will be agreed to in advance and there will be no surprises.

We do not receive any other revenue from working with you other than these fixed fees. That means NO commissions, NO product placement payments, NO referral fees and we DON’T charge % asset-based asset fees. You pay a fixed fee for service from an independent financial planning firm that puts you first.

In cases where you come to us with existing financial products that pay an existing commission, we rebate these commissions back to you in full.

We offer a complimentary initial meeting where you get to meet us and ensure you are comfortable trusting us with your financial decision making. Equally, we are also looking for a match to ensure that we can provide value for the services we provide.

If you would like to book in a time to speak to an independent adviser please contact us here.